Dear Paul and friends,
I want to thank you profusely for the wonderful gifts I received via iPods for wounded veterans. I wrote a letter of appreciation, which is on its way to you now… But I wanted to take a moment to really enjoy truly express my gratitude towards everyone on your team. Your organization is so kind, empathetic, and generous to all of us. Based on these high-quality items, there’s no doubt in my mind that it must’ve taken countless hours of networking and coordination in order to convince businesses to donate these items. It is amazing to me that there are so many amazing people, such as yourself that would take time out of their schedules to concern themselves with troops that have once been forgotten. As service members, that were once in a useful capacity of protecting and defending our nation, many of us lose A sense of purpose in life by taking off the uniform. We feel like our value decreases and there is no meaning in life. And then comes along an organization like yours, that remind us that we are loved, cared for, and most of all not forgotten! These gifts are a reminder that people care, and it restores faith into humanity again. For you to do this, for the good and welfare of wounded veterans… Is absolutely wonderful!
Thank you again for all that you do, not only for me, but the rest of the service members that you have helped in the past, the ones that you were helping today, and the ones in the future.
Eunice Sorrell